The registration of enterprise chattels under mortgage shall be handled by the administration for industry and commerce of the location of the enterprise chattels under mortgage. 企业动产抵押物登记,由抵押物所在地的工商行政管理局办理。
However, as for the public summons, chattel Mortgage has serious defects for the non-transferring possession of objects and the mobility of chattels. The registration system of chattel mortgage is just the key to this problem. 但由于动产抵押是设定在动产上的不转移占有的担保物权,动产的易于移动性,使动产抵押存在严重的公示缺陷,而动产抵押登记制度正是解决这一问题的关键所在。
A Study of Priority Validity of Chattels Mortgage 我国动产抵押权优先效力研究
It is suggested when the legislative body thinks about how to give priority validity to chattels mortgage, the mortgager, the mortgagor and the third party who enjoys the benefits must be given balanced attention. 建议立法者在考虑如何赋于动产抵押权优先效力的时候,必须对动产抵押权人、动产抵押人和对该动产享有利益的第三人三方的利益部给予均衡的关照。
Firstly, the priority validity of chattels mortgage and its value are discussed. 首先,笔者阐述了动产抵押权优先效力及其价值。
Concerning the priority validity of chattels mortgage, this thesis categorizes it into two types-"the priority validity to the mortgagor" and "the priority validity to the third party". 本文针对动产抵押权优先效力问题,归纳为动产抵押权对抵押人的优先效力和动产抵押权对第三人的优先效力两种类型进行论述。
This paper has a great insight to the demonstration of chattels, to the effect of mortgage, to the convincingness of registration and transfer of mortgage of chattels. 本文主要对动产抵押的公示方式,动产抵押权的效力,动产抵押登记的公信力以及抵押物的转让等问题进行了探讨。
According to the tenth and the twenty-sixth item of Material Law ( draft), it is very necessary to establish a unified register system of chattels mortgage and a unified register authority for the chattels mortgage. 根据《物权法》(草案)第十条、第二十六条,建立统一的动产抵押登记制度、确立统一的动产抵押登记机关势在必行。
Material Law Should Establish Notary Organ as the Unified Register Authority for Chattels Mortgage 《物权法》应确立公证机关为我国统一的动产抵押登记机关
General Chattels Mortgage: One Kind of Theoretical Illusion& Further Evaluation of General Chattels Mortgage in Draft of the People's Republic of China's Property Law 一般动产抵押:一种法律理论的虚幻&兼评《物权法草案》关于一般动产抵押的规定
This paper analyzes various problems of the system of chattels mortgage in our country, and points out the reason is that a unified register authority isn't established. 本文分析了我国动产抵押登记制度存在的种种问题,指出未确立统一的动产抵押登记机关是问题的症结所在。
The system of general chattels mortgage is one kind of illusion in theory and it is not proper that general chattels mortgage exists in our country's property law. 一般动产抵押制度只是理论上的虚幻,不宜在我国物权法中设立一般动产抵押。
This article reviews the historical evolution from pawnage of chattels to mortgage of chattels centering on public notice principle of property right, and explores current mortgage of chattels system in China based on the analysis of all solutions derived from Will Theory to Register Theory. 本文以物权公式原则为中心,回顾了从动产质押到动产抵押的历史演变过程,分析了从意思主义到登记主义的各种解决办法,并在此基础上检讨了我国现行动产抵押制度。